Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Ever feel you were in the wrong job?

Right now I feel like I am in the wrong job. I can't work out exactly what it is but I just feel my energy is not quite flowing into my work the way I would like.

I notice it when I am doing stuff I enjoy, stuff I find interesting and engaging and I feel the energy again. And I want to keep working even though I should sleep.

But lately when I apply myself to my work it's not the same. I don't feel that energy. Maybe I am over analysing it. Maybe I just need more sleep and a holiday.

I also feel I am afraid of something just at the moment. Afraid to let myself experience what could be good for me. Hmmm. Enough blather for tonight. I am probably going to have a mad dream now and wake up confused. Ah well.

Time to brush the teeth.


Anonymous said...

I had that feeling before. I ended up switching jobs and all was good again. Looking back, I knew the original job was not what I truly wanted, only what I thought I wanted. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Shuman said...

mayeb that's what I need to do.. or maybe I can't get engagement from a job - that's a real possibility