In all fairness (as Ronan Keating would say) we had a beautiful 2 weeks of sunshine but now the weather is crap again. Crap and grey with a good load of cloud, wind and rain for good measure.

All this greyness and wind meant I was tempted to turn on the central heating in the house today but then I remembered it is supposed to be "summer" so I didn't bother.
Alan said something very interesting to me in a conversation many weeks back. He was commenting on the way people from Ireland always enquire about the weather where he is, i.e. San Diego (check out his blog). It's true. We Irish always ask about the weather. It's a staple of our conversation. It's because we just never know what we are going to get.
I often think of Ireland as the sponge of Europe, sucking all the wet out of the clouds so our friends in Paris, Munich, Roma and so forth can have nice dry days. Then again that's kind of a daft theory since they have the Alps and the Pyrenees and all that to contend with.
That's probably enough about the weather for today. Anyway, what's the weather like where you are? (this question is only applicable for people not living in Ireland)
p.s. I'm not exshplaining who Ronan Keating is exshcept to shay he'sh a shinger with a funny way of shinging...... yurgggghhhh
Toronto has a lovely haze of smog this time of year. I'm gonna have the black lung soon.
Scubes,we used to have brutal smog here in Dublin too but the government fixed it, bless them!
Now if only hey could also arrange for the rain to stay away or to just fall on one part of the country that would be grand.
There's a fair few black lungs here nowadays but that's from the traffic fumes, illegal toxin bonfires and all those poor souls smoking in the rain outside our pubs.
Al.. you are so bad.. teasing us here in the drizzle with your tales of sunshine and a nice ocean breeze.
I'm gonna guess that the breeze is not infused with "eau de Sellafield".
I'd love to say we have good weather here, but it's overcast, hot, and muggy as hell.
Ahh Buffalo summers. Not enough sun to go the beach but too hot to sleep at night.
I'd love to be in Dublin, rain and all! Visited once a few years back and had a fantastic time!
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