What is intriguing is how many people responded to my question about the weather where you are. I think that's fantastic so thanks to all who responded, ranging from responses such as "it's really nice and sunny"..ggrrrrr.... to "I'm getting the black lung"... to "I wish I was there in the rain".
So, anyway enough about that for a moment anyhow.
I've been putting some pictures of Dublin into Wikipedia this weekend. It's a lot of fun but it's hard submitting pictures when you see how critical some of the self-appointed reviewers are on some of the stuff that is submitted. I'm no Lord Lichfield, as my photo with the car loudspeaker showing will attest, however I think that an article with no photo benefits from any photo, irrespective of whether the fool taking the picture had his thumb in front of the lens or not.
I haven't been loading anything special though, just a few pictures of roads near where I live, and tonight I'm gonna put up a couple from Dublin Zoo this year. The folks over at Wikipedia, wherever that is, are actively seeking pictures for things in Ireland and Dublin Zoo is one of them so boy are they gonna get it from me.
Some of my favourite pictures are taken from inside the car, like the one below. When I look at the picture I actually recollect sitting behind the wheel at the moment it was taken and I like that.

Now that everyone has gone photo mad taking digital camera pictures, thousands of them per person probably, what do you do with your photos?
Do you put them in a folder on your hard disk, do you get them printed (while leaving out the crap blurry ones) or do you put them on some fancy web page or something like that. Me I just print the odd few (well really my wife does that) and the rest are on a disk upstairs. I wish I could look at them more often. They are a great way to grab a quick 30-second vacation.
Mine are all in a folder on my hard drive. When I take some worth printing, I'll do so. But most are just of me doing something dumb.
Yeah I hear you Scubes. That seems to be what most people do with them. The folks over at Apple seem to have cracked the problem of hard disks full of music. Not sure if even they could come up with some cool device to carry pictures around.. I mean who wants to get on a bus and start flicking through the family photo album.
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