Thursday, April 20, 2006

The search for focus

It's hard to stay focused on a single important goal sometimes.

Life is full of distractions, some interesting and some annoying.

I seem to veer from periods of extreme focus to periods of total anarchy. In recent weeks I've been back in the anarchy state, with loads of things starting to pile up and everything taking on significance and becoming a high priority.

So today I found myself focusing again on the single important goal. It's amazing how this sense of focus makes all the other stuff look like fluff.

I don't know how so many people go through life without any kind of goal at all. It saddens me to think about that. How many wasted hours people throw away doing nothing.

I'm being deliberately vague here.

If you've got a really big goal in life then good for you. If you haven't got one yet then think about the following:

It's 5 years from now and you're sitting in a beautiful room somewhere. Outside it's a beautiful day and the sun is shining brightly. You can see the expression on your own face, you have the biggest and most contented looking smile on your face that you've ever known. All around you are the people you really enjoy spending time with, and everyone is laughing and smiling and having fun.

take a piece of paper and a pen, any pen, and start writing a list. Start writing all the things you think are going on in your life at that "5-years from here" point. What have you achieved, what are you doing, where are you, who is with you, and so on.

Capture it - because it will reveal loads about where you really want to go, who you really want to be.

My image of this stage is very vivid and it drives me forward. How about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you for having a goal! It makes life so much more worth living, I agree. If I didn't have my goal of becoming a belly dancer, I don't know what I'd do. And now I have a new goal. To become a writer in old age so that when I'm too old to dance, I can write!