Monday, January 11, 2010

That came around quickly!

I'm sitting here on the couch watching a soccer match on ESPN with my seven year-old son. It seems like about two years ago since he was sitting bouncing gently on my knee as a tiny tot. I blinked and there he was sitting as a big guy watching the match with his Dad.

Everyone tells you when you have little kids that they grow up really fast when in truth it's just life that passes so fast. This is brought home to me when I meet up with my friends these days. That's a challenge in itself. I really like meeting up with old friends, people I used to work with in my former jobs, people I was in school or college with. But there seems to be very little time to meet anyone, despite all my expressed good intentions. So when I do meet up with people and they say things like "It's hard to believe it's two years since I last saw you". Kind of shocking really.

Anyway here we are watching the game and I just had this computer beside me so I figured I'd just do a quick blog posting. Why not?

So what's going on at the moment?

Well we've been very restricted by some bad weather in Dublin and haven't been able to get out much in the last week. Since Christmas I discovered a new drive to pick up the book once and for all and I have now finished editing the thing from the beginning to the very end. I have made contact with some really great people who I hope can guide me through the final stages to eventual publication. It's been a very long time in the process but by hook or by crook (if people still say that) I'll get it to a successful conclusion.

Duty calls. My five year-old son has just arrived to ask for help in another room to put a DVD on. Better go.


Anonymous said...

Hello there! Glad to hear you are alive and well and survived a year with such change - stressful! I'm well - haven't touched the blog in a long time but have a couple of others I've been working on that are more public - if you're interested (they're not at personal, I'll try to get back to LWL2 soon!) you can read them here: (most recent and just finished as the trip is over)


So glad to hear you are well! :-) Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Oops I'm "M" from the LWL blog! :-)