Friday, December 11, 2009

Hey! what's happening?


Life seems to be racing past these days. Right now all I am thinking about is getting some extra sleep tomorrow morning.

Christmas is just 2 weeks away and I already feel the excitement mixed with anxiety ahead of the big close down for the holidays.

It has been a mad year. I changed roles in my job and my youngest son started big school so we don't really have a baby any more. The two boys grow up just a little bit more every day and I'm really enjoying their company at this stage. The older one is really interested in football and wants to talk about it all day. That suits me but kind of drives his mother crazy.

I've really worked hard to try and keep in touch with all the people that I want to keep in touch with but it's just impossible to get around to everyone and even to fire off the occasional email is tricky. I only hope at Christmas that people will be around and that I can bump into people here and there and catch up with them. I also hope that people won't think that I am slighting them just because I have not managed to keep in touch the way I would have wanted.

Life has spat out a few tough moments this year too. It has not been all rosy, that's for sure. But it's good to be alive, healthy and still smiling somehow.

It would be great to hear how m. and Stephen Smart and Al and the others who have written great blog posts over the years are doing these days. If it's hard to find time to keep in touch with friends and loved ones then it's even more difficult to keep a blog updated. Look at me.. I am a disaster at keeping this thing up to date.

Maybe nobody comes here anymore to read this anyway and I am conducting some kind of online secret dialogue with myself. Maybe I could post my deepest thoughts and darkest secrets here and no-one would know.

See you soon.


Unknown said...

Good thoughts there, and it is just as tough for us to read your blog AND post a response, as it is for you to post in the first place.
Well glad to hear you are well and yes we all wouldlike to stay in touch with more people more often, but what do you do???
Happy Chrsitmas to you and yours and keep posting, I am still reading !!!

Shuman said...

thanks Rolf! really great that you stopped by and left a few words. It means a lot. Talk soon (that's the hope)