Thursday, March 08, 2007

The hard part is over...

I've never been so good at taking exams so to have taken my final business school exam today feels really super.

Back in school in the eighties... yes that long ago... I was only really interested in a couple of subjects and found all the rest a real chore. But of course they had to be taken and had to be passed. And they were.

Then ditto in college (college in Ireland means third-level education such as university or technical institute). I found just about all the important subjects really tedious and really hated taking the exams.

I managed to convince myself that I'm just not good in the exam situation.

That all changed though with my business school experience. I am now in my third year of my studies and have done pretty well if I say so myself so far.

Over the course of the 3 years I've managed to convince myself that maybe the problem wasn't me. Maybe the problem was that I just didn't find the subjects engaging enough (definitely true while at university) or I just wasn't motivated and organised enough (definitely true in secondary school).

So at 12:30 today I arrived at the exam venue, calm and serene and ready for the test. At 1:15pm the invigilator uttered the immortal words "you may turn over your paper" and at 1:30 I started writing. 3 hours and one very weary right hand later and the exam ended. I handed up my paper and gathered my stuff.

It was a superb feeling to be done with that.

I'm not completely done though. I have 2 more pieces of work to complete between now and year-end, one minor and the other major. But the key point is that the part I always imagined I'd struggle with, the exams, is now complete and I've done pretty well I guess.

I'm going to take a break from the studies for a couple of weeks and will be looking to watch a few movies (Napoleon Dynamite, Walk the Line, and The Wind that Shakes the Barley are the ones lined up right now). I might even try to catch that Borat movie now that all the fuss has died down.

I'm also on the lookout for some Steely Dan for my iPod.

Ah yes, some free time and some clear thinking space lies ahead, at least for the next few weeks.
Oh and I plan to take my wife out for dinner on Saturday. She has been a rock. My incredible supporter and chief motivator, whether she knows it or not. I know she'll be reading this one of these days soon so a million million thanks for making it possible for me to push myself to complete this program.

Dinner will be good, as a first step to repaying all the hours of time granted to get the reading, writing and studying done. I guess there'll be some ironing and washing to do too :-)

Thanks to all who sent messages of support, you know who you are. I appreciate it so much to think that you are rooting for me to get this done.

Ok. Off to bed and let the weekend begin.



Megan said...

Congratulations! I'm so impressed that you're doing business school and doing it well! Woo hoo - have fun at dinner Saturday with the wifey and enjoy your down time while you've got it!

Anonymous said...

Well done. No more tests for a little while for myself.

Shuman said...

Thanks M. Looking forward to doing nothing for a little while to give the brain a rest. I am curious though to know why you went skiing after all. Sounds like you had a blast anyway.

Shuman said...

Cheers Stephen. So you can kick back too for a little while and take it easy. Was the first cup of Tim Horton's worth waiting for?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the final exam. I'm sure the result will be worth the effort.

You are an inspiration to those around you.

Megan said...

Shuman - it's called peer pressure. Who needs to eat anyway? :-)

Shuman said...

yeah. I guess there's still no antidote to peer pressure.

Hey but you know life always balances out if you're open to the little opportunities life throws your way.

Something is surely going to counter-balance this for you.