I have always disliked raspberries. I was going to say that I "hate" raspberries but there's enough hate flying around already without me adding my trivial 2 cents to that.
I used to think it was the way the seeds get stuck in your teeth. That's still true, I really don't like when that happens but that's not the main reason.
There's something about the taste of raspberries that just makes me want to hurl.
Strawberries are pretty good. Blueberries are decent too. Cranberries are nice. Grapes, apples and all the usual stuff.. that's all good.
Raspberries are like my fruit nemesis. When I see one or see it in the filling of a cake I am immediately conflicted. If I can't refuse then I will eat some but it's just not comfortable let alone enjoyable.
Am I the only one with a negative thing about a particular fruit? Does anyone else have a similar dislike of something like raspberries?
Oh and one final point. Why is there a p in raspberry. I think this sums up everything, don't you?
1 comment:
I agree, you poetic man.
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