Saturday, August 19, 2006

Marketing to my kids

I'm pottering about in the kitchen this evening, tidying up after the boys have just finished their dinners when the 4-year old announces

"Coco Pops is a delicious snack for any time of the day"

I stopped and looked at him as he was wolfing down his rice desert.

I said "where did you hear that?"

He said "on television. It said that on the television"

This is scary.

The 20-month old has already learned a bunch of theme tunes from TV shows and is well able to state the name of a well-known fast-food restaurant, which he calls "donalds". You know what I am talking about.

It's amazing how open little kids are to this kind of powerful marketing. Their minds are like sponges.

1 comment:

Shuman said...

very interesting stuff. A bit scary in fact.

I saw the link there about "Baby Einstein".

I know lots of people who speak very favourably about that particular product. The article about it on that site is not so complimentary.

I'm wondering if this particular org has an agenda though..