Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Is life really pointless?

I don't think life is pointless.

However I've just finished reading a book (by the guy shown below) that someone gave to me (forgive me if you are reading this and you gave the book to me) called "was 9.99 now 6.99: a novel"... an English language translation of what was originally a French language novel.

The author paints a bleak picture.

The book is about marketing, and how we are all really just idiots in the game created by Marketers.

The book is a bit shocking at times, especially the occasionally crass and vulgar language, and on the whole tries to create a sense of disgust and loathing in the reader.

I have to say I was a bit unmoved. You can read a review of this book by the Guardian here or see what Amazon customers thought of it here.

Is there anyone reading this who thinks life is ultimately pointless?

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