Just came across a site where people can post expressions of regret. Some are really personal and some are quite spiteful.
The idea is pretty simple. if you've been harbouring bad feelings about someone or something you can post your "I should have told you..." message on the blog.
An original (I think) idea - I certainly have never come across anything like this before.
Click the link on the right to go to the site and see what people are saying they should have told someone else.
I'm sorry, which link do you mean? I clicked on the photo but it took me to the photo itself and not the site.
Cinthia. I definitely did not make that clear. Sorry about that.
if you go to http://ishty.blogspot.com/ you'll be taken to the site.
It's interesting and kind of sad (in the original meaning of the word).. so much regret and so hard for people to tell each other the things that have been carried around in someone's head for years and years.
Hope you are well and thanks for commenting.
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