Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Death to decaf drinkers...

Well maybe not death, at least not right away. I just can't believe how many of these stories make the news these days. I seem to be on a bit of a roll anyhow, with another article making the news today about the dangers of drinking decaf coffee.

So, hands up anyone who has ever heard of the Robusta coffee bean? Indeed. Most people have heard of varieties like Arabica, Java and Kona but probably not heard so much about Robusta.

Good name Robusta? maybe or maybe not. It seems that in an effort to dredge all of the caffeine out of the beans, you can end up taking all the taste out too so these Robusta beans are, well, robust. Hence after you've washed all the caffeine out you're left with something by way of flavour.

Personally I think "flavour" is being generous. From where I sit/sip decaf tastes like rainwater from a manky gutter, or maybe the waste container from one of those carpet shampooing machines. I don't like the stuff at all.

Anyway some boffins, as I shall forever henceforth refer to anyone with a research background, a white coat or a clipboard, reckon that these beans used to make decaf have loads more fat than regular coffee beans.

So, you might be drinking less caffeine but loading up on some pretty dodgy fats.

If you're bothered to read the original article click here.

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