Friday, February 19, 2010

After darkness always comes light

It's hard to imagine a run of events in memory that has had so much bad luck, awful news and sheer sadness close together. It's easy to see how life can seem so cruel and hard and unfair.

And yet sadness must end at some point and light must return. This is brought home to me by the arrival into this world of two beautiful new babies, one boy and one girl, born to two sets of parents that I know very well and hold as very close friends.

And it does kind of make you wonder if somehow we are all missing the point about life. It makes me think that perhaps the constant change is the whole point and that by trying to keep things the same we are deceiving ourselves so badly.

And then I think about my own family and my own life and I think how lucky I am and have been over all the years and I realise that while things are always changing you can bend and flex and lean into what life brings and somehow it does all make sense to just go with the flow and be carried in a little row-boat along the river that is experience.

To me it's never been that important to know exactly where I am going or when I will get there. Now more than ever I am conscious of the importance of taking time to peer over at the river bank and to open my eyes to all that is going and growing around me.

Less philosophical the next time I write. I promise.


Megan said...

I'm so sorry to hear things are rough, but you're right - change is the only constant and you have to just enjoy the ride. Hope you and the family are well...

Anonymous said...

Hey Shuman,

I hope things are turning around for you over there... Just wanted to say hello and let you know you were on my mind! Sending you good thoughts...