Monday, September 03, 2007

Hey what are you doing with all that oil?

I was in my local LIDL supermarket tonight and while queueing up to pay for the few things I was buying I noticed the guy in the next aisle had a whole trolley full of bottles of sunflower oil.

I was thinking what the heck does someone need with all that oil and figured he probably owns a small restaurant and is buying up supplies.

Then when I was driving out of the car park there he was pouring the stuff into the fuel tank of his Peugeot 406.

Can someone explain to me what the heck he was doing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's running his car for less than half the cost of Diesel. A lot of diesel engines can burn vegetable oils with little or no modification. First I've heard of a 406 running on it. There's a guy who lives up beside me runs his 2.2 Camry on vegetable oil. He says it's every bit as good as diesel and at 39c v 1.10c a litre you can see why he does it.
