Monday, July 23, 2007

Pesky Ice Cream truck

There's a guy with an ice cream van that drives by the house most evenings during the summer.

Granted with all the rain we've been having he hasn't been around much lately but as I drove out this evening there he was coming up the avenue with the usual O Sole Mio (also known as the Cornetto music) blaring out the top of his Ford Transit.

He's a bit of a pied piper this fellow. As he pulls up to the kerb the kids come scampering out of the houses with coins in hand. He does a good line in ice cream cones, you know the whipped variety with a chocolate flake stuck in the side, in ice pops or lollies, and also a fair range of chilled soft drinks.

The funny thing is though that his timing is all off. I have to say I never paid much attention to it but my wife mentioned it to me a while ago. She said that he always arrives to sell ice cream just as it's approaching dinner time.

Just when parents everywhere are lining up the children to eat something healthy for dinner he sails in to the road at 5:30 in the evening.

I suppose he just has a strange sense of timing. Or humour.

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