We used to take him to one of those kids places where kids sit in little cars and watch TV while the person cuts the hair, but the one near our home has closed down.
Recently my wife has been cutting his hair and doing a super job. I tried that recently with our 2.5 year old and kind of made a balls of it. Luckily my wife came to the rescue and got his head looking normal again.
So tomorrow we'll head off to the barber shop. I just hope the guy there doesn't try to engage him in some banter, you know like "so, will you be watching the game tonight?" or "how's business?".
He's nearly 5 and would be much more interested in questions like "hey, what about that new star wars lego eh?" or "what are you going to get for your birthday?"
Come to think of it the barber took all his kids at Christmas to lapland to see Santa. Maybe they could talk about that.
Looking forward to seeing how we reacts when he sits in the big old leather chair (probably on that wooden box thing) and your man starts pumping up the chair so he can see himself in the mirror.
Lapland sounds like a fun place, only because it sounds similar to lapdance.
yeah. Sadly there is a lapdancing club in Dublin called lapland.
Not sure that too many families visit around christmas time though.
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