He arrived home on wednesday night from his grandparents' house with the "specimen" and proceed to throw it left, right and centre. He was falling about the place laughing, ably followed by his 2 year old brother.
When I was a young chap the old fake poo routine was all the rage, at least for a few days.
It's hard to believe that it still is as 'relevant' as ever.
I understand that he went straight to his playgroup the following morning and told them all about how he had a fake poo and how he was putting it all over the house and that it was just so funny.
He's having a blast with it so long may the joy of poo continue.
You should be able to pick up (yuk) one of these nuggets (ahem) for a euro or two, or a dollar or two depending on where you are from your nearest joke shop. To my knowledge Amazon.com does not sell them, yet.
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